In March 2021, we will celebrate the thirtieth anniversary of Pro-face Industrial Panel PC, the world's first Industrial Panel PC.
We started to develop it right after releasing the first GP series. In those days, the idea of bringing a PC into the industrial field wasn't standard, but there's a need for the use of PC as a data server in factories. We started with the concept that we could build an HMI for Factory Automation based on a PC platform. From it debuted in March 1991, Pro-face since led the introduction of IT at production sites.
With 30 years of evolution, in 2020, we released the PS6000 Series with the latest Industrial PC solution. Furthermore, adapting to industrial needs, display solutions for separate installation with box PC have also evolved. We provide not only hardware but also associated software to realize reliable PC based manufacturing for Smart Factory.
Pro-face will contribute to the further evolution of production worksites by delivering to our customers "HMI Centric" solutions that place the operational management staff at the digital revolution center.